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08/2021 Organizational Update

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I think it is fair to say we have been very deliberate with respect to the transition of our senior team over the years, and we have taken great pride regarding its seamlessness and transparency. In addition to serving each member of our executive team’s professional goals, I believe this approach has served our clients and employees well.

With that backdrop, and with bittersweet emotions, I would like to announce that Jess Yawitz will be relinquishing the title of Chairman, effective December 31st 2021. I have rarely been accused of being at a loss for words, but this is one such occasion.  Jess’ impact on NISA, our clients, employees and me personally is immeasurable. We at NISA are indeed grateful to have had the good fortune to apprentice for someone with such knowledge, insight and integrity.

Though at the end of the year he will no longer be an official employee of NISA, he will retain one title – Founder.  And for that, I am truly grateful.

Please join me in congratulating Jess on this move to his next chapter.





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